Church San Pietro Apostolo
Church San Pietro Apostolo
in Arbizzano of Negrar on Valpolicella hills
Church San Pietro Apostolo of Arbizzano you do not have a definite date of construction, the original one we have only the rectangular portal interesting testimony of the late medieval sculpture in the Valpolicella . This portal has been saved from demolition of the old church and was redeployed to the front of the present church is rectangular in shape with jambs and lintel carved and is topped by a bezel covered by a porch Gothic arch of the fourteenth century , which in turn has a carved decoration foliage off crumpled . Even the baptismal font inside is of Gothic origin , octagonal in shape is in white marble with eight sides that shows the letters that made the archpriest perform construction. Today in the church today we can admire a slab of limestone which is depicted on one side the Virgin and St. John , and on the other side of the Saints Peter and Paul. Beautiful triptych reliquary which are located above the altar on the right , consists of three separate tablets of 1300.