Church Santa Maria in Progno
Church Santa Maria in Progno
at Arbizzano Santa Maria di Negrar in Valpolicella
Church Santa Maria in Progno appears in a testamentary list of 1222; At the beginning of the sixteenth century it was the object of great devotion to the Virgin of Carmel, while at the beginning of the seventeenth century there are Carmelites who officiated the Mass and inserted the cult of the Madonna del Carmine. In 1605 he was visited by Bishop A. Valier, who wrote about the presence of four altars dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, St. Dominic, the Holy Trinity and the Madonna; In 1609 it is learned from the indifference of Pope Paul V, who is the Carmelite of the Confraternity of Our Lady of the Carmine. However, the oldest definition of the building seems to be that of Santa Maria in Progno. In the niche on the main altar there is the golden marble statue dating from the 1500’s of Our Lady with Jesus, with the scapular of the Carmine in the hand, a statue that was traditionally found by a peasant in the bed of the stream.