Villa Saibante Monga o Villa Costanza
Villa Saibante Monga
San Pietro in Cariano in the earth of Valpolicella
Villa Saibante Monga, also called Villa Costanza, from Costanza Caldera founder of the Pious Mothers of Negrizia as its owner since 1953. From the sixteenth to the twentieth century it was owned by the family Saibanti, who gave it to the family Monga. The building has a U with a porch on three sides of the ground floor; the west wing, probably until the end of the eighteenth century used as a stable, was then raised. Inside there are two large halls, one paved in terracotta with a coffered ceiling and decorated with frescoes by Paolo Veronese Ligozzi, the other housed in the main building with frescoes and stucco work on the walls, used as a chapel. Outside there is a well of 1623, while the park remains almost the only fountain and a cave.