Church S.Antonio Abate
Church S.Antonio Abate
in Settimo di Pescantina along the river Adige between Verona and Lake Garda
Church S.Antonio Abate Originally had a square plant with east-west orientation, later undergoing structural changes that led to its shape today in the eighteenth century and then in XX; In 1744 the first magnification was realized, in 1864 the chorus was built and in 1880 important renovation works, including the displacement of the altars of the Addolorata and Sant’Anna, and the magnification of the sacristy. Other changes were made in 1953 by expanding the building to the left of the main altar and opening two large windows behind the same altar. Currently the building is surrounded by a square and is oriented perpendicular to its original location (ie north to south). Inside it is noted on the main altar in marble, the banner depicting the Madonna with the Child and on the sides of Sant’Antonio Abate and San Rocco. The two side altars are both marble: the western wall is dedicated to the Madonna of Sorrows and carries into the niche the statue of the Painted Stone Addition. The altar of Sant’Anna, on the eastern wall, features an oil painting depicting Sant’Anna on the knees Maria Bambina (1808). Noteworthy are the two fragments of frescoes on the sides of the tall altar, the second half of 1400, recently attributed to a Veronese master. The bell tower rises on the eastern side of the Church and is probably related to it. Originally much lower, he only carried three small bells.
picture of Alessandro1978