Church San Valentino
Church San Valentino it is located in the center of Bussolengo, its origins date back to the twelfth century
The Church San Valentino it was mentioned for the first time in a document which says that in April 1339 Bishop Gilberto di Tiberiade reconsecrates it after a period of raids by soldiers fighting against the Scaligeri. In 1391 Giacomo de ‘Rossi, bishop of Verona, gave it to the Disciplini to restore it and found a hospital for pilgrims in some rooms attached to the church. The church is known for its valuable fifteenth-century frescoes, both inside and outside the building, which tell the story of Valentine’s Day; on the east side is the fresco of a 16th century Crucifixion. The frescoes are the work of disciples of Altichiero, Giovanni Badile, Domenico and Francesco Morone.