Civic Museum Rovereto
Civic Museum Rovereto is the oldest of the Italian museums, was founded in 1851, and is now organized on several locations
Civic Museum Rovereto: Palace Parolari is the main office, divided into three floors with a garden; the Planetarium, in the garden of the main office; Alberti Poja palace, next to the Mart; the Foundation of the Civic Museum also organizes educational visits to: the Astronomical Observatory of Monte Zugna; The footprints of the dinosaurs at Marco’s Lavini; Roman villa of Isera; archaeological site of Loppio- Sant’Andrea; Brentonico simple garden; botanical garden of Passo Coe-Folgaria.
The Parolari building of the Civic Museum of Rovereto is divided over three floors and houses the permanent exhibition dedicated to the collections “Dal dato al pensiero”; the Giovanni and Ruggero De Cobelli library; the Fortunato Zeni conference room; the Lego Educational Innovation Studio classroom; the Planetarium, in the garden of the building.
The Parolari building of the Civic Museum of Rovereto is divided over three floors and houses the permanent exhibition dedicated to the collections “Dal dato al pensiero”; the Giovanni and Ruggero De Cobelli library; the Fortunato Zeni conference room; the Lego Educational Innovation Studio classroom; the Planetarium, in the garden of the building.