Corte Ronzetti – Padovani
In the old part of Piovezzano rise the Ronzetti houses, which recall the structure of the medieval closed courts and worthy of note for the seventeenth-century chapels that are inserted here.
Corte Ronzetti presents the steps of history with its various architectural phases; born as a closed court provided with various services suitable for the sustenance of a number of people as wells and ovens, later modified with curtain walls and wall paintings for the purpose of embellishment, these works are mainly of the eighteenth and early twentieth century. Beside the two courts we find two chapels from the seventeenth century, one on the left and one on the right. One of them is still open to worship and houses inside a precious statue of the ‘400 of the Virgin enthroned with Child. The other chapel on the left is instead characterized by the colombara tower.
Corte Ronzetti , which was owned by the Marinelli, the Cagozzi and the Redemptorists, now belonging to the Padovani family, enjoy a privileged position as it offers a view of the entire Valpolicella area.
Finally, according to tradition, Napoleone had attacked the bridle of his horses during the Italian campaign to a vine trunk shown here for a long time to visitors.