Festa Medievale di Affi
Medieval Festival in Affi
The procession from the Castle of St. Andrew in the costume, if set forward by the sound of them Fracastoro et drums come in the court of the district Roscara . Locally, sweet libations et bibande will comfort them votri palates et throats burned them musicians et allieteran other minds .
The streets of the Borgo Antico
And ‘ the time of the libations et bono de lo live.
Start the banquet de dames et de li lords entertained by them musicians, dancers , jugglers, jesters et .
(the number of places is limited , reservations required at no. 45/ 7235411 )
Dancesport you to the sound of the celestial music of the Middle Ages.
In the Town Hall Square spectacle of flags.
If you disfideran them warriors in duels et forgeran their weapons.
Dancesport you to the sound of the celestial music of the Middle Ages.
Court Poggi : show duels.
If you disfideran them warriors in duels et forgeran their weapons.
In the Streets of the Village : show flags .
You can find them homini cum flag through the streets of the old village .
In front of the doors of the ancient village maidens prosperous musicians and dancers danzeran to the sound of the celestial music of the Middle Ages.
Before the feast of fire games cum chains , ropes et de spectaculi the fakir .
You can find them homini et cum flag them drums.
In the streets of the old town there are warriors in duels disfideran et forgeran their weapons et sorveglieran the whole village .
They can assist you in games of flag .
As the House of the Municipality can find them homini cum flag , games of fire cum chains , ropes et de spectaculi the fakir et warriors are disfideran them in duels with swords .
It will have to incominciar the Hunt for the treasure them eg children fearless .
Borgo Antico : Opening of the medieval market .
Dancesport you to the sound of the celestial music of the Middle Ages.
Belvedere Court : show duels.
If you disfideran them warriors in duels et forgeran their weapons.
In the Streets of the Village : show flags .
In the streets of the old town , you will assist you in them spectaculi flag .
As the Court of them peasants , gustar the food you made ̷̷with your hands : the shins boni et crustas caseum ( cheese rinds ) et de darkness games at the going down of the fire cum chains , ropes et de spectaculi the fakir .
If you disfideran them warriors in duels et forgeran their weapons.
And after them games, they jesters et spectaculi the others , dancing to Madonna gaudium et et et cum homini tucti the Auxilio of the night .