Marchetti palace or San Pietro
Marchetti Palace, it is adjacent to the Collegiata dell’Assunta, is a 16th century building, it was previously known as Palazzo San Pietro and was owned by Andrea and Odorico conti d’Arco; then it passed to Saverio Marchetti. Its former name derives from the fact that it was near the Porta San Pietro, from the name of the church of the same name, now no longer in existence. There is no certain date of its construction, but certainly there was at the end of the fifteenth century, given the date 1510 inserted in the fresco of the Madonna with Child on the façade in Via Ferrera.
The plan of the building is a horseshoe, with a large internal courtyard; the interior contains beautiful frescoes depicting sacred and non-sacred subjects, they are of various authors and of various eras.